When a person looks at a certain blog, they expect to get the information they desire. They do not want irrelevant off topic banter, but the facts about a story that interests them. A good blog post should be to the point and as simple as possible. No one wants to read a long drawn out post with a few parts of real information. Another thing is that the blog post must capture the reader's attention. There are many approaches in doing this, like using humor. On deadspin.com, they use humor to make their blogs interesting and funny. Take this article for example. They wrote about a common topic in professional football and ended with humor. Not only does it give the reader, an opinion concerning the Green Bay Packers, but also ends in humor to make the reader more interested in the blog as a whole. Another example is from a gaming website called shacknews.com. Here they update their readers about a upcoming game. They get right to the point and keep the post simple. They give reliable information the reader wants without any extras. Though sometimes it might be difficult to follow the points above, the outcome will end up being a good blog post.
If you read my post this far, you might as well click this. Enjoy!
Photo source, from the Flickr photo stream of alcomm: http://flickr.com/photos/alcomm/217097889/
I agree, staying on topic is important, as is being succinct and to the point. However, even short blog posts should be broken up into paragraphs. The longer your paragraph the less likely it is for your reader to make it to the end.
I like your examples, and the last link is great. Notice also that in all of your examples include images with their posts. We will be talking about that soon.
My name is Jess and i totaly aggre with your post. Relevant, direct and interesting posts are the way to go. The links and examples you gave were very approprate. i am in a class with Mrs Baird(your teacher Mrs Davis knows her)we have blogs aswell and are getting to know how to use them and make them interesting. We are in year 9 and there is aroung 10 in our I.T class.
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